* How do I access the course?

Enrollment is available only to those with active ICU accounts. Control Union has sent an email to ICU account holders with instructions on how to enroll. Please note, the enrollment process is not automatic—our Academy Support team must first receive validation from the ICU team before granting access. To ensure access, make sure you are signed in and check your spam folder if you haven't received the email. For any assistance, please contact [email protected].


This the list of items that will be cover in your training session.

  • ICU Overview

  • Adding certified material in the portal

  • Creating a product and apply it for the scope

  • TC application

Course curriculum

    1. ICU Overview

    2. Release 2024 - 09 ppt

    3. Release october

    4. Release november

    5. Release 10-12

    1. Accept Budget

    2. NC Closure

    1. Add products into your SC

    2. Add products with a component claim into your SC

    1. Adding certified stock material in the portal

    2. Register farms stock

    3. TC´s application manual

    4. TC´s Application video

    5. TC invalidation/amendment

    1. Start logo approval

    2. Example Logos TE/GOTS - Control Union

    1. Clients Training 19-7

    2. Clients training CUSI - ICU 17-11

About this course

  • Free
  • 18 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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