What will you learn in Supervision dry cargoes module?

  • Necessary information to be considered when a surveyor receives a nomination

  • Discover the operations approach of the Hold´s inspection, hose test, sampling and weight

  • Get to know the general concepts and examples of the analysis phase

  • Obtain information of the details to be considered when a surveyor issues final certificates

What will you learn in Loading veg oil module?

  • Necessary information to be considered when a surveyor receives a nomination

  • Discover the operations approach of Tanks´s Inspection, FOSFA Condition of last cargoes / Passivation, Weight Supervision -Measurement & Calculations, Sampling - F51/ F54

  • Obtain information about the details of Contractual Analysis

  • Get to know the difference between certificates issued based on FOSFA 51 and FOSFA 54

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the system?

    2. Details about the navigation

    1. Dry Cargo & Liquids Training

    1. Supervision Dry cargoes

    2. Loading Veg oil

    1. We want to know your opinion!

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content